Enjoy working on your car in one of our clean, modern work bays. Fully equipped with:
- 3 and 4 tonne hoists.
- Transmission jacks, engine hoists and stands.
- Waste oil tank.
- Engine diagnostic tools.
- Full range of special tools.
- Presses, grinders, drills, blasting, parts washer.
- Gerni pressure washers.
- Gas and MIG welders, plasma cutter.
Location: The Vintage and Classic Car Hub workshop, Kings Park, 5 mins from M2/M7.
- $35 per hour Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4 pm. Minimum 2 hours.
- $45 per hour Saturday/Sunday mornings, 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. Minimum 4 hours.
One on one Coaching
We also offer one on one coaching to encourage you to take on more complex jobs – or if you get stuck 😉.
- All prices are plus GST.